1 Comment
Aug 7·edited Aug 7

Great analysis. You've hit the nail on the head with key strengths being:

- Led by the students of the actual uni

- Climate focus

- Clear ask

I also LOVE the idea of league tables and green graduation gowns.

I also think your suggestion of bringing others in is key. At the end of the day, uni staff in catering and management are the ones that have to implement these committments, so the campaign is strongly dependent on their buy in.

I am also a bit hesitant about this narrative that universities are models of change for the rest of society. I think that university educated people would like to think this is true, but I am not so sure that wider society cares at all what students do at uni. I am sceptical that hearing that Oxford uni went plant based will do anything to convince non university institutions to go plant based too. It may help with creating stable plant based catering infrastructure though; unis are big spenders in many cities!


Richie (Bryant Research)

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